Loving Mom Cat Adopts Puppy

Loving Mom Cat Adopts Puppy


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A rescue mom cat with a litter of 4 kittens of her own nurses a tiny border collie puppy who was rejected by her own mother at the Animal Rescue Fund of Mississippi. When the volunteer handed the mom cat the orphan puppy who desperately needed motherly love, she took her in and started letting her latch on her.

Though the puppy is bigger in size, the kittens don't seem to mind at all. They even snuggle with her during naps.

Mom cat nursing her 4 new born kittens...

and plus one...

It's a puppy that was rejected by her own mother but luckily adopted by Mom cat

Snuggling with the kittens, the puppy now has a purry family that loves her.

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Photos by Animal Rescue Fund of MS (Facebook).

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