Man Gives Deaf Cat With Terminal Cancer The Best Life She Can Have

Man Gives Deaf Cat With Terminal Cancer The Best Life She Can Have


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Ella the deaf cat lived in a shelter for years without meeting the right human until Stephen adopted this very special cat. Some time after he brought her home, he found out that Ella, unfortunately, had terminal cancer and had only a few months of time left. "If you told me at ASPCA that Ella would be diagnosed with the terminal illness, I honestly wouldn't change a thing," he said.

Stephen made a bucket list for Ella to give her the best life she can have. "I am grateful for each day I get with her," he added.

Since she had outlived her life expectancy, Stephen decided to take her in to a different vet for a second opinion. They discovered that Ella is actually a grandma cat of approximately 10 or 11 years, her cancer is a lot more self contained than they thought and Ella has more like years to live.

"Ella is probably the smartest decision I've made in my adult life, and she's been my best friend since I adopted her."

Ella the deaf cat lived in a shelter for years without meeting the right human until Stephen adopted this very special cat.

Some time after he brought her home, he found out that Ella had terminal cancer and had only a few months of time left.

"If you told me at ASPCA that Ella would be diagnosed with the terminal illness, I honestly wouldn't change a thing."

Stephen made a bucket list for Ella to give her the best life she can have. "I am grateful for each day I get with her."

"Ella is probably the smartest decision I've made in my adult life, and she's been my best friend since I adopted her." Watch their story in this video:

Since Ella had outlived her life expectancy, Stephen took her to a different vet for a second opinion. They discovered that Ella is actually a grandma cat, her health is better than the vet originally thought and Ella has more like years to live. [See updates in the video below]

See more stories like Ella's at The Sidekick Series.

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