Man Saved a Stray Cat Thought She was Just Big But Got a Surprise

Man Saved a Stray Cat Thought She was Just Big But Got a Surprise


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A young man brought a friendly stray cat into his home. He thought she was just a big kitty but didn't expect the surprise that came with the adoption.

imgur: Snowthulu

"My boyfriend adopted a 'fat' stray cat and got a surprise," imgur user Snowthulu said.

"She is very friendly, just shy and hides if she's frightened."

Then one day, he found five tiny fur balls snuggling on her, nursing away.

imgur: Snowthulu

The stray cat was pregnant when she found the young man and got a home just in time for her kittens.

imgur: Snowthulu

It's a lot of work for the momma cat to care for five hungry kittens. This is the kitties learning to eat on their own.

imgur: Snowthulu

Mama having dinner with her babies.

imgur: Snowthulu

The cutest surprise!

imgur: Snowthulu

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