Man Talks To His Deaf Cat In Sign Language

Man Talks To His Deaf Cat In Sign Language


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Chico is a deaf cat. Every morning he and his human dad like to have a conversation through sign language.

James Casson shares his story:

"Meet my Deaf cat "Chico" . . . He's quite a guy! Here's a video clip of me signing (American Sign-Language) to my Deaf cat "Chico".

Every morning when I get up with the sun.... I'd walk into the kitchen to fix a pot of coffee. My Deaf cat would jump up to the table and wait for me. I can see him waiting, from the corner of my eye... then I'd turn around and wave at him. He'll stand up all excited.... then I'd sign to him 'Sit down!'

He'd sit and then when I say 'Good boy!' - he will extend his paw to shake hands with me. Smart little guy, eh!? He cracks me up all the time and makes my day! It's our thing every morning... Enjoy watching."

Watch the video here:

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