Man Who Grudgingly Accepted Getting a Cat, Now Holds Her All the Time.

Man Who Grudgingly Accepted Getting a Cat, Now Holds Her All the Time.


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This 14 year old fluffy cat will meow at her human dad until he picks her up and holds her.

Meet Roxy and her Cat Dad, Austin.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

Roxy was around six years old when she met Austin. Before their paths crossed, Austin was never a cat person. "He didn't really like cats but then I came into the relationship with Roxy," Gabrielle Davis, Austin's wife, shared with Love Meow.

Gabrielle welcomed Roxy into her home, and Austin grudgingly accepted having a cat in his life.

When Gabrielle was pregnant, Austin stepped up to help care for Roxy. He scooped cat litter, brushed the kitty and eventually started holding her.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

One thing led to another, they were cuddling with each other every day, and then all the time.

Roxy snuggled in Austin's lap, purring up a storm.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

Now at 14 years old, Roxy is "obsessed" with Austin. She will wait by the window for him around the time he gets home.

"She will meow at my husband until he holds her," Gabrielle said.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

Because of Roxy, Austin has come to enjoy the company of more kitties in the house and even fostered a few times.

When Roxy and another kitty demand cuddles from their Cat Dad at the same time, they try to compromise.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

"This is Roxy waiting at the window, waiting for my husband to come home."

She's Austin's most loyal friend.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

"It's been eight years, and I'm pretty he holds the cat more than our four year old son," Gabrielle told Love Meow.

The guy who grudgingly accepted his wife's fluffy cat, is now in love with her.

Supplied by Gabrielle Davis

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Related story: Man Can't Have a Cat So He Takes Photo With Every Kitty He Meets and Gives Them Cuddles

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