Men Found Lifeless Kitten by Roadside and Brought Him Back to Life

Men Found Lifeless Kitten by Roadside and Brought Him Back to Life


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These guys found a kitten lying by the roadside, and knew they had to save him.


A man and his friends spotted a kitten lying lifelessly on the ground and knew they had to get him help quickly.

The kitten looked as if he had been hit by a car. The first thing in their mind was to get the kitten the medical attention he desperately needed. One of the guys went to find something to safely carry the kitten in.

They got the kitten some water and he started drinking from the bottle right away. He was very thirsty.


Someone brought them an empty drawer from a desk, large enough for them to transport the kitten in. So off they went to seek help.

While they were on their way to the vet, the kitten was meowing in pain, and for a moment they thought they lost him. They kept petting the kitten and moving his paws, trying to tell him to hang on.


When they got to the animal hospital, the staff began to examine the kitten and did everything they could to save him. The kitten was so weak that he slipped into a coma, but no one was willing to give up.

Watch the full rescue in this video:

The kitty is now back on his paws, cuddling with his best friend (a ginger cat) in his forever loving home.


What love can do. Share this rescue story with your friends.

Related story: Woman Found Tiny Orphaned Kitten After Downpour and Brought Him Back to Life

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