Merlin the Cat, Possibly the Loudest Purrer

Merlin the Cat, Possibly the Loudest Purrer


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Merlin the cat is a loud purrer. He always purrs like this when someone pets him. The owner Tracy Westwood never thought about his purr until they noticed the world record holder [Smokey is currently the Guinness World Record holder for the loudest purring domestic cat]. "So my new years resolution this year was see if he's actualy a Guinness World Record breaker," said Tracy.

"Most domestic cats purr at around 25 decibels but Merlin has hit a mog-nificent 100 - louder than a hair dryer, a hand drill or a lawnmower. The 12-year-old pet is so noisy owner Tracy Westwood struggles to hold telephone conversations or hear the TV. Mrs Westwood, 47, said: 'I often have people asking me what on earth is the noise in the background - it's just Merlin the cat.' Mrs Westwood," reported SWNS.

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