Molly the Kitten Found a Forever Home and a Surrogate Father

Molly the Kitten Found a Forever Home and a Surrogate Father


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Sophie brought up a black and white kitty named Tilo who has been her closest friend. Due to her work schedule and odd hours as a photographer, she decided to get Tilo a companion, so when she is not around, Tilo would have someone to play with.

A shelter was in need of foster care for a tiny little kitten named Molly, Sophie not only took the little one in, but also adopted her. "Molly was so small. I guess she was only 2 weeks old when I got her. I really hope she becomes strong and healthy just like Tilo," said Sophie. "Tilo has been helping too. I think Molly has brought out the inner father in him. He took to her like she is his own child. He washes her after every meal and stays close with her like a protective father. It is the sweetest thing in the world to see them get along so well."

"It was a lot of hard work to feed a baby kitten, but seeing her grow so much in just three days, it is the most rewarding thing ever."

Photos courtesy of Sophie (nickname: Spin ©

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