Motherless Kitten Finds New "Sister" and Won’t Stop Cuddling

Motherless Kitten Finds New "Sister" and Won’t Stop Cuddling


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A little motherless kitten found a new sister in her forever home. The two instantly bonded, and have been cuddling ever since.

Meet Cheyenne and Pearl!

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Little Cheyenne came to Nevada SPCA (a no-kill shelter in Las Vegas) in hopes of finding a loving home. The sweet kitten didn't like the shelter environment and was eager for a friend.

When Nikki, a fosterer (@myfosterkittens), took her out of the cage, she immediately switched on her purr motor, cuddling up to her in her arms. That day she went to her foster home and began her new adventures.

A few weeks later, Chey was ready for adoption. She stole the heart of a kind woman and moved into her new home where two other kitties were awaiting her arrival — one of them was especially thrilled.

Amy (@pearlandcheyenne) adopted Chey and introduced her to Pearl, another kitty she adopted from Nikki a few months prior.

"We first got Pearl and then decided she needed a friend since our older cat (Jenny) had no interest in her," Amy told Love Meow.

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Pearl gave the little kitten her approval and Chey started following her around the house like her own shadow.

"After a couple days they were playing a bunch and after a few weeks they were snuggling together and giving each other baths."

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

They both needed a buddy. When they met, it was love at first sight.

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Pearl took her little sister under her wing, showed her the ropes and taught her how to be a cat.

Amy @pearlandcheyenne


Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Since Pearl showed Chey the cat TV, the two sisters have been watching their daily entertainment together.

Their favorite pastime!

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Chey keeps her sister well groomed every day.

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Ear cleaning means love!

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Pearl returns the love.

The two can't get enough of each other.

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

All grown up now!

They haven't stopped cuddling since the day they met.

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Some things never change :)

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Cuddles and more cuddles!

Amy @pearlandcheyenne

Share this story with your friends. Follow Cheyenne and Pearl on Instagram.

Related story: Shelter Kitty Won't Let Go of Her Best Friend When She is Adopted, A Week Later

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