Muffin the Ginger Farm Kitten Finds Home

Muffin the Ginger Farm Kitten Finds Home


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A 10 day old little kitten was left behind in a farm until he was discovered and brought to safety. It just so happened that a man was looking for kitties to take home the very same day, and they found each other.

"Muffin was so small the day he came into my in the palm of my hand (and I have small hands). He was estimated to be 10 days old on June 17th (Father's Day). My uncle found him on top of hay-mound in barn, by self, no mom or siblings around. Coincidentally I had called my uncle about 10 minutes earlier that same day asking if he had any kittens I could take for the home...he said he had seen none...," said Todd.

Muffin is "Approximately 5 weeks old now. Learning to spring and jump and also stair climbing. Strong boy. He's growing, loves to fight, nails getting huge and sharp." said Todd on facebook.

Snoozing after a nice warm bath and a big meal

They feed him round the clock

Muffin and his new bed


Photos by ©Todd Walker (follow updates on Facebook and flickr).

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