Tiny Kitten Abandoned at Grocery Store Finds Woman He Loves and Won't Let Go, Now Months Later.

Tiny Kitten Abandoned at Grocery Store Finds Woman He Loves and Won't Let Go, Now Months Later.


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A tiny one-day-old kitten was found at a grocery store.


A tiny one-day-old kitten was found abandoned at a local grocery. No one could take him, so a woman stepped up to help.

"Raising kitten from literal day one is a very trying, but rewarding task. He is one of the sweetest kitties I have ever known," imgur user CaliCatlady101 said.

"He had just been fed after having been dropped off by the kind folks who found him at the grocery."

He was so tiny at just 1 day old.


"One of the quickest ways to get a bottle baby to sleep is to put them near your heart...

"He couldn't purr yet, but look at that happy look on his sweet little face. This was about day 3 of having him."


After a meal. A full belly!


One night, he had to be taken to the animal hospital for emergency, but little Ollie fought hard to live and his human mom wouldn't give up on him.


A few days later, his eyes opened!

"Ollie woke up after an afternoon feed with BOTH EYES OPEN!! The eyes had been opening little by little over the past few days, but at 12 days old they finally opened fully, and Ollie gave this happy little dazed look of a happy and full baby."


At 2 weeks, Ollie was going strong and growing fast!


He is quite a clinger and won't let his mom go anywhere without him.


"He wasn't always the best motivator when it came to chores, but he was darn cute company."


"When Ollie discovered that he was no longer able to be tucked in to shirts, or held constantly, he reverted to sitting on shoulders instead."


2 months old!


Ollie helps his mom heal.

"I had just had leg surgery, and Ollie was always there for cuddles :)."


Ollie in 2016!


Ollie came to his human mom at one day old, after having been found abandoned at a local grocery.

"The original plan was to raise him just until he was of adoption age, then send him to a local no kill shelter. Well, fast forward a few months, and Ollie won a place in my heart, and is a permanent member of the family."


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