Tiny Orphan Kitten Getting Weighed in a Purrito

Tiny Orphan Kitten Getting Weighed in a Purrito


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After weeks of fostering, this little rescue kitten is now weighing in at 449 grams. He's tripled his weight since he was found as an orphan baby.

Getting on the scale in a purrito.

Photo: opalwednesday

"I've been fostering this kitty since he was two days old because his mom died," reddit user opalwednesday said.

It was touch and go for awhile but they never gave up on the little fur buddy. After many sleepless nights caring for the kitten, he came around and began to thrive.

"He was 138 grams when I got him. I'm so glad that he's finally past the 'they could die for any reason at any time' period."

Photo: opalwednesday

The kitten got a new friend!

They introduced the kitten to their dog, Maxwell...

Photo: opalwednesday

He took to the kitten like his own.

Photo: opalwednesday

"Maxwell is a mama now."

Max the dog is very protective of his kitten, watching over him every step of the way.

Photo: opalwednesday

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