Partially Paralyzed Tortie Cat Is Determined To Walk Again

Partially Paralyzed Tortie Cat Is Determined To Walk Again


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Stockton is a very brave and determined little tortie cat who hopes that someday she will be able to walk like other cats, and that day is drawing near.

Her hind legs were immobile when she arrived in Saving Grace Rescue. "She was in bad shape when she arrived... She had some sort of acute injury at four weeks old that partially paralyzed her. When she arrived, she was in a good amount of pain and had almost no sensation in her back legs," Amber of Saving Grace Rescue said.

But they were not going to give up on her. Soon they put Stockton on treatment and therapy and started helping her regain strength in her legs. "She had acupuncture and massage in the first few weeks. She was approved for a Scout's House grant at 8 weeks of age and has been going weekly for laser therapy, electrostimulation and underwater treadmill exercise," Amber added.

Even at home, Amber continues treating Stockton to keep the progress moving along. "I use a harness to stabilize her back end and help her walk. She gets around great on her own but walking is the goal. She is not incontinent and I stimulate her like a young kitten to empty her bladder and bowels."

Stockton is determined to get better and it shows. She has slowly regained sensation in her hind legs and able to stand with support. What amazes everyone is her will to play and walk like other kitties again. Despite her condition, she is just as playful as other cats. She never complains during treatment and is so sweet and thankful for having people who help her get better each day.

"Stockton has a ton of tortitude and a huge purr. I know the right home will come along!"

Stockton the tortie came to Saving Grace Rescue partially paralyzed, but the story doesn't end there. They are determined to help her move again.

Stockton just arrived in Saving Grace, and already she was taken in by another rescue who watches over her.

She had almost no sensation in her back legs, but they wouldn't give up on her.

She was put on treatment (laser therapy, electrostimulation and underwater treadmill exercise) weekly to help regain mobility in her legs.

Amber massages Stockton's toes.

She loves it!

 At home, they use a harness to stabilize her back end and help her walk. Now she can stand up with support.

"Stockton has a ton of tortitude and a huge purr. I know the right home will come along!"

You can help Stockton and her recovery by visiting her fundraiser link here.

Photos courtesy of Josh Norem at Furrtographer. Josh has been a volunteer photographer for numerous animal rescue organizations and has helped many kitties and doggies find their forever homes. Please take a moment and vote for Josh to be the Best Pet Photographer.

Follow Stockton's progress at Saving Grace Rescue on Facebook.

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