Pattypan the Kitten was Saved by Good Samaritans who Came Back for Her

Pattypan the Kitten was Saved by Good Samaritans who Came Back for Her


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Her name is Pattypan. She and her three siblings were born to a stray mama who disappeared one day. The good Samaritans that found them, got them help from a rescue group. Two months later, they came back for the little calico girl.

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

"Ambercup, Calabash and Pattypan and their brother Zucchini (Zuke) came to us on August 2nd and were estimated to be about three weeks old.

Their mother, a stray, had given birth to them, cared for them for a few weeks, and then disappeared," Robyn Anderson, fosterer of the Challenger's House in Toney, Alabama, shares the story via Love and Hisses.

More info: Facebook.

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

"They went to Eva (bottle baby fosterer extraordinaire) for a few days, and then came to us. When we got them, Pattypan had an abscess on her right front leg, and it got worse before it got better."

Pattypan had a bandage on her leg because she had an abscess drained, and a small drain put in. It didn't bother her.

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

"She required twice-daily warm compresses, dressing changes, and antibiotics for her first few weeks with us."

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

Sweet little Pattypan!

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

Bandage or not, it doesn't slow her down a bit.

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

"She finally healed up and it doesn't look like she's going to have any issue with that leg."

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

The good folks that saved the litter came back to the rescue group two months later. They were smitten with the little calico on the day they found her.

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

"Pattypan was adopted on October 6th by the people who actually found and cared for the litter before turning them over to Challenger’s House."

What a beauty she's become!

Photo by Robyn Anderson of Love and Hisses

Pattypan's siblings are still waiting to be adopted! Share this story and help them find their forever homes!

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