Pitsi the Resilient Rescued Kitty

Pitsi the Resilient Rescued Kitty


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Cats have nine lives, Andreea's cat has no exception. "I happened to find her when her first (very short!) life was just about to end. She spent her second, third and fourth lives with me (she had some rough times after we met too)," said Andreea.

"I found Pitsi in September 2005. She was just a tiny kitten, smaller than my palm, I guess she must have been about 3-4 weeks old. She had fallen in a sewage hole and was desperate to get out. After one day of efforts and a dozen phone calls I managed to have her rescued by the firefighters (I had no idea that firefighters did this kind of job in Japan.)"

"When I got her, she was in a miserable state (with ants, fleas and other problems). She has had some rough moments, but we have overcome them. She still has her front leg paralyzed from wrist down, but she doesn’t seem to mind it."

Today Pitsi is living a happy and wonderful life with her family who have been pampering and spoiling her more than one can imagine.

Photos courtesy of ©Andreea (flickr: andreeainjapan).

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