Resilient Little Ginger Horatio

Resilient Little Ginger Horatio


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Horatio and his brother Gitano named after the man who found them came from Bushwick, Brooklyn. "Both were week-old tigers who somehow ended up alone on the concrete outside a bodega..." says Lisa. Horatio came with an injured foot, but he didn't let it hamper him.

Initially Lisa was seeking the right kind of physical therapy and possible treatment for Horatio because his legs were weak and he wasn't able to support his weight or keep up with his brother. "After a thorough and purr-filled exam (at the vet)... She (the vet) said to let mother nature work her amazing healing magic, and gave me a suggestion for a supplement to help build up his strength..." Lisa adds. Though Horatio had some calicum deficiency that prevented his bones from forming properly, he didn't need physical therapy aside from doing normal kitten play everyday.

"Horatio likes to sleep with his head buried under the covers or one of his stuffed animals. He also falls asleep sitting up with his front legs braced against the side of his crate," says Lisa. The little ginger absolutely loves life.

Horatio learned to walk after his leg was healed. He never let his leg bother him a bit and is always happy and playful.

Horatio and his brother Gitano were adopted together into a loving home where they were renamed Tugboat and Mousetrap.

Photos courtesy of ©Lisa Vallez (flickr: lisacat).

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