Senior Cat Shrinks Half Her Size and Finds Happiness After Being Saved from Sad Life...

Senior Cat Shrinks Half Her Size and Finds Happiness After Being Saved from Sad Life...


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A hopeless senior cat found a second chance at life when she met a couple who showed her love. In just two years, she lost half of her weight but gained a new life.

Meet Jonesy Alien Slayer!

Jonesy Alien Slayer

In 2013 a kind-hearted couple found Jonesy and knew she needed a lot of help.

Dawn and her husband were devastated when they saw the state she was in. Jonesy could barely climb out of her basket to get to her food bowl and the litter box due to all the weight she was carrying. She couldn't groom herself and her fur was matted from her neck to tail.

She kept herself in the basement at her previous home due to her fear of the family dog, so she ate and ate.

Jonesy Alien Slayer

Her matts were causing a lot of discomfort. Jonesy was understandably grumpy because she was miserable.

Dawn's husband scratched her neck and a whole bunch of fur came out in his hand. The cat needed immediate help and the couple was determined to save her.

Jonesy Alien Slayer

Eventually they were able to rescue the senior cat and brought her into their loving home.

"When we adopted Jonesy her body was broken and her spirit was broken," Dawn told Love Meow.

Jonesy Alien Slayer

On July 4th, 2013 Jonesy moved into her new home. She was 13 years old and weighed 24 lbs. The small boned ginger cat needed to shed 13 lbs to reach her goal weight.

They gave her a much-needed bath and shaved off all the matted hair. She felt instantly better! "Over the course of a day Jonesy has gone from hiding under the dresser to sleeping in her basket to sprawled out on the floor demanding belly rubs."

Jonesy Alien Slayer

They put her on a strict special diet, and Dawn used her favorite treats to coax her into exercising.

Jonesy worked hard to climb over the box. She was such a champ!

Jonesy Alien Slayer

As time went on she became more and more active. Her kitten playful side slowly came back.

Jonesy Alien Slayer

She lost eight pounds in her first year and gained a bunch of energy.

Jonesy Alien Slayer

By her second year, she reached her goal weight of 11 pounds. That's a 13 pound loss!

She was two years older but she felt like a kitten again. Dr. Graham at Patterson Dog and Cat Hospital called her their "grouchy little miracle cat!"

Jonesy Alien Slayer

"All it took was love, patience, Lean Treats and the support of the Facebook cat community to make her a real cat again," Dawn told Love Meow.

She hopped in her favorite hamper and was very proud.

Jonesy Alien Slayer

Jonesy just turned 17 yesterday! She's happy, playful and healthy!

Jonesy Alien Slayer

"Never underestimate the amount of love and joy you can receive from adopting a senior cat. We battled her weight loss together and formed a very special bond," Dawn told Love Meow.

"She still wants to sharktapuss (bite) me, but I know she means it with affection. She's my grouchy little miracle cat!"

Jonesy Alien Slayer

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Related story: 14 Year Old Cat Weighed Same as 4 Month Old Kitten, But A Few Months After the Rescue...

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