Woman Gives Cat a Home, the Kitty Returns the Favor by Becoming Her Little "Supervisor"

Woman Gives Cat a Home, the Kitty Returns the Favor by Becoming Her Little "Supervisor"


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A woman gave a shelter cat a forever home. He returned the favor by being her most loyal companion, following her everywhere she goes.


Belarus the cat was turned to the shelter when the landlord told his owner that she could not keep him. The family was very sad and brought the kitty to the shelter, hoping they could find him a good home.

"This big gentle fellow is friendly, affectionate and ever so handsome with his crossed eyes and fluffy tail," Deb Campbell of Animal Care and Control San Francisco told Love Meow.

Belarus was eager to be loved and constantly asked for attention and pets. When someone came to visit him, he would stand up and lean on the door as if to beg them to take him home.


Rachel from San Francisco came across a post about Belarus on Instagram. For a while, she had been looking for a cat. "When I saw his googly eyes, I was in love and immediately contacted the shelter that day," Rachel told Love Meow. "I had to move meetings around and things to be able to visit him."

When Belarus and Rachel finally met, the sweet kitty snuggled right up to her as if to say he was ready to go home. "I had won the pleasure of taking him home. He's settled in quite amazingly and is absolutely spoiled."


The cross-eyed cutie quickly became Rachel's little shadow.

"He follows me around everywhere, especially in the bathroom in the morning. There is no privacy with Belarus in the house," Rachel told Love Meow.


"He's a big cat with a big personality. When we got him he was still around one year old so quite kitten-like. He loves playing, running around, batting balls, etc."

When Rachel takes a shower, Belarus waits outside until she gets out. He wants to make sure she is all right after the "ordeal."


Every morning, he accompanies Rachel to the bathroom as she gets ready for the day.

Belarus is always eager to be part of her morning routine.


The sweet kitty greets his Mom when she gets home from work and tells her that he's ready for food, playtime and lots of attention.


Belarus inspects his humans' fridge and food choices. He is not shy of voicing his opinion.


Belarus likes to "help" Mom load the dishwasher.


"He cuddles a lot when I'm on the couch watching TV or doing email," Rachel said. "He'll make sure he's right beside me and then will fall asleep or start to clean himself."

Whenever the computer is switched on, Belarus comes to offer a helping paw.


The curious little guy wants to know everything that his human mom is doing.


"He's also great at cat activities like pushing things off counters and does that with the bathroom counter, without fail."

Watch Belarus in this cute video:

When he wants a snack, he stares into his Mom's eyes while standing next to an empty bowl.

Who could possibly say no to that face!?


When Rachel watches TV, Belarus jumps on her lap to cuddle. He gazes into her eyes with his adorable crossed eyes.


It's been four months since Belarus found his forever home. He's blossomed into a handsome, fluffy cat!

Every day, he follows Rachel around the house, keeps their household running, and protects his humans from invaders (aka bugs).

Belarus the purrfect supervisor!


Share this story with your friends. Follow Belarus and his adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Shelter Cat Waited Months for Home, Hops on Man's Lap and Won't Let Him Go

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