Shelter Kitten Finds New Human Dad She Loves And Won't Let Go...

Shelter Kitten Finds New Human Dad She Loves And Won't Let Go...


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A shelter kitty found a new dad she loves and would never let go. "Rescued this five month old kitten from the shelter, you can tell that she is really grateful to have a family."

Meet Sophie.


A father of two (daughters) came across a post about a calico kitten from a local shelter, who was in need of a loving home. "We saw the photo of Sophie and knew she was meant for us," reddit user reallyfungames said.

"We went to get her right away… I have no idea of her life before we met her, but you can tell that she is really happy to have a home and a loving family."

She has been following her human dad around the house since she arrived. "It took her awhile to get used to her surroundings. A week later, she still won't be in the room without us."


Every night at 9PM, Sophie meows to remind her humans that it's bedtime and that she wants to lie next to her human dad and cuddle.

Sophie "helps" her human put on his shoes.


Sophie was very scrawny when they got her, but she's grown a lot since. "I know having a home is a lot less stressful than being at the shelter."

Cuddling with her human dad, feeling loved.


"She purrs a TON, most I've ever heard a cat purr and I grew up with cats," he said.

Sophie curls up to her human dad when he naps.


"She also helps everyone 'chill out' and relax after a hard day of school/work," he said. "Definitely one of the best things to happen to us..."

"And now I have three girls on Father's Day."


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