Stray Kitten Found Without a Mom Finds Love in 5 Other Cats at Foster Home

Stray Kitten Found Without a Mom Finds Love in 5 Other Cats at Foster Home


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A stray kitten wandered into someone's yard all alone.

She was separated from her mother but found love when she met five other cats at her foster home.


Three weeks ago, a family from Japan spotted a tiny calico outside their home. The kitten was all by herself, hungry, and looking for food and shelter.

The family reached out to their rescue friend, Marimon, to help get the kitty to safety. "We rescued this little girl from our friend's house. She was found without her mom and alone for 2-3 days," Marimon told Love Meow.

They took the kitten to the vet, where she was treated for fleas and worms, and brought her home so she could have a safe place to stay.


The calico was scared after the ordeal, but after a few pets and a good meal, things quickly changed and she even started to purr.

They named her Mit-chan. "We are fostering her until she's ready to find a new home."


A few days after the kitten's arrival, they introduced her to their resident cats.

Right away, the bigger kitties took her under their wing.


One of them shares quite the resemblance to the kitten.

"She looks so much like one of ours, Mido-chan, that they look like mom and daughter," Marimon told Love Meow.


Misty the fluffy black cat came to meet and greet the tiny calico.

The two quickly became friends.


He showed the little one their favorite Bird TV and jumped into the role of big brother.

He gave the tiny calico baths to keep her clean and tidy.


Mit-chan is also loved by their cuddly ginger cat, who has already begun to teach the kitten the art of cuddling.


The big kitties showed the little kitten how to play with toys, and she watched and learned attentively.


The resident cats love watching their rambunctious foster kitten play and scamper around the house.


When the kitten needs a nap, she snuggles up to Mido-chan to make up for missed love.


The little calico was separated from her mother but found a big feline family that took her in as their own.

No more worries about food and shelter. The little girl is thriving and can't wait to find a place to call her own.


Share this story with your friends. Follow them on Instagram @marimon0703__.

Watch their story in this cute video:

Related story: Stray Kitten Scratches Door to Get Help and Decides She Will Run Every Place She Goes to

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