Stray Kitten Stuck on Roof of Building Lost His Meow Calling for Help...

Stray Kitten Stuck on Roof of Building Lost His Meow Calling for Help...


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A tiny kitten was stuck on the roof of a building in a construction site in Beirut Lebanon. He was meowing for days, hoping someone could help him down, but no one heard him or came to his aid.

Animals Lebanon

Eventually he cried so much that his voice started to crack and he almost lost his meow.

No one knows how the kitten made it all the way up there. The building wasn't vacant and several construction workers frequented there. No one came to the kitty's rescue until a kind person from the adjacent building heard his plea and notified Animal Lebanon for help.

"He was stuck on the roof of a building for many days - extreme hot weather, no water and screaming his lungs out for help," Animal Lebanon wrote. "His voice is raw from screaming so much."

Animals Lebanon

Thanks to the good Samaritan, rescuers rushed to the site. After long hours of waiting, the kitten was safely trapped and brought to the rescue. "He was starved and thirsty and his voice was almost gone from meowing for three days, luckily we caught him just in time!"

Stray cats often roam around the area. The kitten might have been born near the construction site and was separated from his mom, so went inside the building to take refuge. Stray cats tend to find dark places to hide. It's likely that the kitten got lost the higher he went up the building.

Animals Lebanon

The kitten was very scared, hungry and had an upper respiratory infection. But after a full meal, a warm bed, antibiotic meds and a lot of pets and love, he was on the mend and even started to purr.

His voice is still a bit crackly. He purr-meows to his rescuers for attention—a complete turnaround from the terrified kitten they found.

Animals Lebanon

Squeaky is just one of the many cats rescued by Animal Lebanon. They are taking in needy animals every day but unfortunately there is a shortage of adopters.

The sweet kitty is now in a comfortable foster home, getting better, stronger and more playful each day.

Animals Lebanon

"If it weren't for his voice we never would have heard him stuck on the 14th floor of a building undergoing construction."

His meow still sounds a bit hoarse but little Squeaky has learned to love and trust, and is now purring and demanding cuddles nonstop. He's so happy to be safe and loved.

Hear his meow!

Share this story with your friends. If you are interested in adopting their rescue kitties, click here for more info. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Animal Lebanon on Facebook. (h/t: thedodo)

Related story: 15 Year Old Rescue Cat is So Happy to Have New Home He Thanks in Crackly Meow

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