Written by ©Catherine Donaldson (flickr: kittiecatd).
After two very quiet days I returned to the shelter for two more little lovelies who needed eye ointment and full tummies-bliss. One last the journey for the year began.
Trillian and her sister Swoopy were found on the streets but already had the social graces of much older kittens, fearless and really happy little ladies. Swoopy was named after the English TV show character Sweep because she sounded exactly the same with her funny little squeeks.
Trillian and her sister both love their food... Love? Well... they do enjoy a good food surf should we say. So from day one, there was a constant stream of baths and daily cleaning sessions. Swoopy had the most baths between the girls and slowly she got the hang of cleaning up after dinner. Trilly still needed some help cleaning up after dinner but her gorgeous character made that no chore at all.
These gals were very relaxed, social and talkative. After their daily play sessions... hourly play sessions, they loved to relax together too.
What lovely little ladies these two were. I already miss their daily morning, afternoon and evening sessions of galloping around the place. Again interesting how different little ones act... and these two seemed like they had months of worldly experience even before they arrived. From our daily talks and purring sessions to the breakfast and dinner mad frenzy... I know I will miss you both.. good luck sweeties and I know you will both find wonderful forever homes.
(Swoopy and Trillian have graduated from their fostering care and now are up for adoption at Lord Smith Animal Hospital in North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
Photos courtesy of ©Catherine Donaldson (flickr: kittiecatd).

"Never ceases to amaze me how different every kitten is. Trillian and Swoopy are such socialites... smoochy and talkative... did i mention talkative? yeah... they do like to talk :D." - Catherine.