Tabby Born Feral Becomes Therapy Cat

Tabby Born Feral Becomes Therapy Cat


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Dakota the tabby was born in the wild, but has become a therapy cat and a little hero at a hospital for about 8 years. He brings smiles and hope to the patients there especially children.

Dakota was found in a barn. His mother was a feral cat. He and his siblings were hand reared by a girl who eventually found them homes. When Dakota came to Lois and Philip Wischkaemper, they knew there was something special in him. "Though not raised around children, he seems to know just what to do to comfort them. During a visit, he will typically run into the sick child's room, hop onto her/his bed and lie down next to the child purring loudly," Wischkaemper wrote.

He visits the patients at the University Medical Center Hospital in Lubbock, Texas at least once a week. Not only does he bring happiness to the patients, but also to every staff at the hospital. They call him Dr. Dakota.

Dakota was born in a barn to a feral cat. When he came to his forever home, they knew there was something very special about him.

"Though not raised around children, he seems to know just what to do to comfort them." Dakota became a therapy cat at the University Medical Center Hospital in Lubbock, Texas.

"During a visit, he will typically run into the sick child's room, hop onto her/his bed and lie down next to the child purring loudly."

He makes rounds at the hospital, giving "cat scans." They call him Dr. Dakota.

Here Dr. Dakota is giving a little boy a dose of cute and a lot of purrs.

Dakota doesn't just bring happiness to patients. He also does it to the staff and everyone that needs that extra love.

After a long day at the hospital, Dr. Dakota turns in for a nap.

Dakota is turning 10 this year, and has served at the hospital for about 8 years.

Photos by Philip Wischkaemper. Follow Dr. Dakota on Facebook. Other source: Newsok.

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