Tessa the Diva Kitty

Tessa the Diva Kitty


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Written by ©Melanie (flickr: Landris).

A colleague of mine has a niece who lives near a farm. She found a pregnant cat and took her into her home. Soon she gave birth to 5 little ones. They started looking for homes for them. Since Timmy our cat was the undisputed king in our flat, we were not sure whether he would accept another cat. However, when my colleague showed us the photos, we thought we would give it a try and make it work. A grey cat was always my dream, when I saw Tessa, I immediately fell in love.

Tessa was almost 3 months old when I brought her home. It took me a while to decide a name for her. I was watching Germany's next top model and a particular contestant looked so much like a diva whose name was Tessa. She reminded me of my cat who is also a diva at heart, so that sealed the deal for the name.

When Tessa came into her new home, she loved to provoke Timmy and get him to play fight with her all the time, but Timmy just walked away while being slightly annoyed at the beginning. Tessa is quite a talker. When she complains about something, she sounds like a little lion cub, crying for attention. If my friend sneezes in the room, she will show her displeasure by meowing at my friend. When I am trying to take a photo of Tessa, as soon as she hears the zoom, she meows at me. She is not very into being held, but sometimes she comes to me when I am sitting by the computer, and switches on her purr motor, asking me to pet her.

If I look at her and call her her name, she looks up and gives me the diva attitude, but when I pet her, she thoroughly enjoys it. When she was a wee baby, she loved to climb up my trouser leg when I tried to feed her. Sometimes she jumps to my friend on their back so she can give them a little back inspection. Tessa is surely very loved and spoiled by everyone.

Photos courtesy of by ©Melanie (flickr: Landris, check out more photos of Tessa here).

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