The Joy When This Guy is Chosen by a Tiny Kitten... (with Updates)

The Joy When This Guy is Chosen by a Tiny Kitten... (with Updates)


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It was the happiest day when this guy found his little furry friend, who needed a loving home.

When they got in the car, the man held the tiny ball of fur in his arms, beaming with smiles.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

The tiny kitten was looking for a family at a local rescue. When a couple met the little fella, the kitty immediately stared into their eyes, demanding to be picked up. As soon as the man put him in his arms, he knew right then that he had been chosen.

He named the kitty JFK and held him in his arms as his feline buddy purred up a storm.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

The kitten fell asleep on his human dad and napped through the whole trip to his new home.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

The kitty adjusted very quickly.

He found a perfect spot and then took a long nap with his arms stretching out.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

JFK makes sure his humans are always close by and can't get enough of their love and attention. "He wakes us up at 3am by attacking our faces to let us know that he is ready to play," they said.

Even when he naps, he cuddles with his human mom for an extra dose of TLC.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

The little panther kitty has really blossomed.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

There's nothing little JFK loves more than having his humans there by his side cuddling away.

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked


All grown up now!

"Rub my belly!"Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

He's a bundle of joy!

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

He's grown to be quite a character!

Courtesy: realwomenfightnaked

When a cat chooses you, you have their love forever. Share this story with your friends. (Courtesy: imgur/realwomenfightnaked)

Related story: Man Saves Tiny Kitten, who Chooses Him and Changes His Life

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