They Found Two Tiny Furballs in Tree Nest without Mom

They Found Two Tiny Furballs in Tree Nest without Mom


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Two tiny kittens were rescued from an unusual place. They were discovered in a nest in a tree, and their mother was nowhere to be found.

Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team Los Angeles

On September 12, a Los Angeles based rescue group, SMART, had one of their most unusual rescues to date.

They received a call about crying kittens trapped in a tree. One of the rescuers, Nav, was dispatched to the area right away. "When Nav arrived, the tree was merely 10 feet tall," the rescue group wrote on Facebook.

Nav located the kittens and set up a ladder at 6 feet, tall enough to reach the babies.

As he parted the branches, he saw two tiny kittens napping in a little nest in the center of the tree. "I wouldn't believe it if I wouldn't have seen it," he said.

Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team Los Angeles

"Two abandoned, unweaned kittens were in what appeared to be a nest in the middle of the tree."

According to the rescue group, the cat mom had not been seen for two days.

Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team Los Angeles

The kittens were in a tight little hiding spot.

Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team Los Angeles

The rescuer carefully scooped up the kittens and brought them down from the tree.

Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team Los Angeles

They placed the kittens in a carrier and found them a foster home where they would be bottle fed and cared for around the clock.

Safe now!

Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team Los Angeles

Watch the rescue in this video:

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Related story: Man Saves Orphaned Kitten from Backyard and Raises Her into a Snuggle Bug

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