They Save Kitten From Car Engine and Turn Him into Lovable Couch Potato...

They Save Kitten From Car Engine and Turn Him into Lovable Couch Potato...


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They saved a tiny kitten from a car engine and turned him into an lovable couch potato.

Meet Toshimitsu Kaiju!


Almost a year ago, a tiny orphaned kitten found his way into the hearts of a family.

Imgur user culverdrive heard meowing coming from their car one night in May 2016 and couldn't believe what they found. A tiny kitten was trapped in their car engine and needed help.

They got the little feline out to safety and took him to the vet. Before they knew it, the kitten had curled his way into their hearts and made himself part of the family.


"He started out very timid, would run under the couch at any noise," they said via imgur.

"But once he had a full belly and found a toy, Toshi started to play and bond with us."


They spent a lot of time with him on the couch where he felt most comfortable. The sweet kitten became so close to his humans that he decided to keep them company at all times.

Toshi jumps in his human's lap, snoozing away.


Sometimes he falls asleep on his human dad's shoulder while he is watching TV on the couch.


His favorite pastime is vegging out with his humans in the comfort of their couch.


All tuckered out!


When he first came to his forever home, he hid under this couch...

Now he shares it with his humans and claims it as his bed.


Little couch supervisor.


A year ago, they found a shy little kitten in their car engine, and now he's turned into an affectionate couch potato, cuddling with his humans every day, feeling the love.


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