scrawny feral kitten now fenn the destroyer

Scrawny Feral Kitten Wouldn’t Let His Life be Destroyed. Two Years Later, He’s the Destroyer!


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A tiny ginger kitten was living a rough life in the wild. He was only skin and bones, but today he is a completely different cat!

Meet Fenn the destroyer!

fenn the destroyer cat taste burgerCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

Fenn and his sister Lexi were found in a feral colony. They were severely malnourished and much smaller than their age. Angie, an animal rescuer, heard about the kittens and brought them home to foster. It saved their lives!

Angie named the ginger boy Fenn because he was a skinny little kitten with ears that were so big, he looked like a Fennec fox.

"As far as he knew, he was fighting for his life. I spent the next year of my life socializing them during every waking hour that I wasn't at work," Angie told Love Meow.

More info on Facebook | Fenn's story | also seen on Cats, Beavers & Ducks

"Two and a half years later, they are foster fails and their forever home is with me."

fenn the destroyer cat boxesCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

This strong-willed kitty has come a long way. Now he runs the house like it's his 24/7 playground. Whatever stands upright, he will try to knock it down. When Angie brings home the groceries, he is always the first to inspect the "treasure trove".

Many things have been destroyed and torn but it's all worth it. Fenn the mischief maker brings so much joy and entertainment that the family couldn't imagine life without him and his accomplice/sister Lexi.

fenn the destroyer cat wears sandalsCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

" He is a total character! He's so busy and curious and sometimes bored, so he gets into trouble.

"They are now indoor only and have four step-siblings, including two big orange brothers I cut out of the roof and walls of my old house and bottle raised," Angie told Love Meow.

fenn the destroyer cat mischiefCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

Digging out groceries from his "treasure trove".

fenn the destroyer cat mischief groceries boxCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

These blinds didn't last long...

fenn the destroyer cat mischief maker blindsCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

Fenn and his accomplice Lexi after an episode of mission impurrsible!

fenn the destroyer cat mischief makersCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

The aftermath!

Courtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

"We were just picking out an outfit for you, mom!"

fenn the destroyer cat mischief makersCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

Fenn playing hide and seek.

fenn the destroyer cat mischief hide and seek curtainCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

They are no longer two scrawny, malnourished kittens with an uncertain future...

rescue feral kittensCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

Today they are Fenn the Destroyer and Lexi, his partner in crime!

fenn the destroyer cat mischiefCourtesy of Fenn the Destroyer

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