Tiny Blue Kitty Given A Fighting Chance

Tiny Blue Kitty Given A Fighting Chance


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This blue kitty is a fighter who survived a difficult birth at a clinic. He was rejected by the cat mother. They were not sure if he would make it, but one person from the clinic had a feeling about him, brought him home to her mother Jennifer, and the little kitty began to thrive. "I hand reared him which was quite an experience," said Jennifer.

They named the kitty Baby Pink.

Jennifer Pountney

Jennifer nursed the little blue boy back to health through many sleepless nights. They were there when he opened his eyes, had his first litter box experience and ventured out of his nest to explore for the first time. They taught him how to play and he discovered how to purr.

Jennifer Pountney

The blue kitty is very close to his humans. "He loves to accompany me around our rural property, and to go for walks…. If I sneak off walking without him he screams blue murder until he catches up! He loves his fake fur blanket more than anything," Jennifer added. "He loves people and behaves like a child at times, wanting to 'help' and be involved with everything!"

Photos courtesy of ©Jennifer Pountney (More pictures of the kitty)

Jennifer Pountney

They gave him a little stuffed toy to cuddle with.

Jennifer Pountney

When he got bigger, he became more cuddly.

Jennifer Pountney

All grown up now... He loves to help his humans and get involved in everything.

Jennifer Pountney

He's become such a handsome boy.

Jennifer Pountney

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