Two Year Old Cat, Size of Two Month Old Kitten, Loves Life Despite All Odds

Two Year Old Cat, Size of Two Month Old Kitten, Loves Life Despite All Odds


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A two year-old cat, the size of a two month old kitten, loves life to the fullest despite her special needs.

Meet Giselle the cat!

Photo: @realstumpycat

This tiny kitty, who weighs barely over 2.5lbs, came to The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, needing a lot of help. Despite all the ailments, little Giselle is a fighter and full of love.

When she first arrived in the shelter, she was in poor shape and very scared.

After they shaved off all the matts, she felt so much better. Later the vet discovered that she is completely blind, but little kitty was so grateful to be cared for.

They took her to a foster home, and the little wonder cat was so happy to have a warm bed and all the delicious food. She flopped over to show her happiness.

Photo: @realstumpycat

A bit of food makes her a very happy kitty.

She's eating like a champ!

Photo: @realstumpycat

Little Giselle met her foster brother Tuna the dog while napping in his bed.

They became good friends.

Photo: @realstumpycat

Giselle and Butters the clinic cat.

The little stumpy cat is much smaller than an average sized cat.

Butters the cat for scale.Photo: @realstumpycat

As she is recovering, her personality shines.

Bath time!

Giselle has gotten so much better and stronger in just a few days. She can now walk around and navigate like a champ despite being blind.


Little Giselle has been adopted!

Photo: @realstumpycat

If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow little Giselle on Instagram.

Related story: Male Cat With Special Needs Nurtures Litter of Orphaned Kittens

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