Window Cleaner Climbs to Roof to Rescue Kitten

Window Cleaner Climbs to Roof to Rescue Kitten


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Little Molly the cat somehow managed to sneak out of her home on a Friday night last December in Bourne, Lincolnshire and climbed all the way up to the top of a house. Once she got on to the roof, she wasn't able to get down.

A person spotted the kitten and started getting very concerned. "… the little kitten was being dive-bombed by some magpies and crows," RSPCA reported. They contacted RSPCA, but Molly was too far up for Animal Welfare Officer Becky Harper to reach.

This is when window cleaner Nick Glover came to the rescue. Nick got a call and arrived within 10 minutes and jumped into action immediately.

Becky said via RSPCA: "He then climbed up his ladder and gently picked up little Molly and carried her back down to safety where she was reunited with her owner. She was a little cold and hungry but apart from that fine, I just hope this experience puts her off climbing on to roofs in the future - although it's still a bit of a mystery how she managed to get up there considering how tiny she is."

Nick gave his time to save the kitten free of charge. "He saved calling the fire brigade out and it is great that this had a happy ending," Becky added.

Photo by RSPCA (follow them on Facebook).

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