Woman Opens Door to A Tiny Surprise Waiting For Her on Her Doorstep Asking to Be Let In...

Woman Opens Door to A Tiny Surprise Waiting For Her on Her Doorstep Asking to Be Let In...


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A woman opened her door last Friday morning and was surprised to find a tiny fluffball waiting for her on her doorstep, wanting to come inside.


The tiny tortoiseshell came to the family's doorstep all by herself. She stood outside, looking at her humans with those big round eyes as if she was begging to be let in.

The family couldn't say no. "I'm immediate in love with her," imgur user MiraBearr said.

They named her Tippy. She has a pair of adorable eyebrows!


After they welcomed the kitten in, the sweet little tortie made her way up her human's shoulder and decided to curl up there for a nap.

"She can't be more than a few months old, she's super friendly and wants to be up my butt 24/7. We live in the country so I think someone must have dumped her."


The kitten became attached to her new humans. She would snuggle up to them for naps and didn't want to be alone.

The family spent a few days trying to find her a good home, but their five-year old son and the kitten really bonded, and they simply couldn't separate them.


The little kitten couldn't have found a more purrfect home.

The family is taking Tippy to her first vet visit next week. The beautiful tortie is already thriving at her new home with plenty of good food, comfortable places to nap, and loving humans to cuddle with all the time.


"She's adjusting very well. She's playful and sweet and has the loudest purr I've ever heard," MiraBearr said.

"She follows my little boy around like a baby duck. He's very good with animals—calm, kind and cautious. They're a perfect pair of best friends. We are so happy she found us!"


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