Young Woman Won't Give Up on Kitten When Others Say He Doesn't Have a Chance

Young Woman Won't Give Up on Kitten When Others Say He Doesn't Have a Chance


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A young woman wouldn't give up on a tiny kitten she found near her home even though others didn't believe he would make it.

In less than two weeks, look at the difference that love can make!

Meet Bane the tuxedo! This is the day he was found on the front porch.

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

It was May 15th after Brandi (of Bunsandtots) returned for the weekend, she found a tiny kitten on her front porch all by himself.

"He was alone and just stared up at me and meowed silently," Brandi told Love Meow.

"I didn't expect him to let me get close let alone pick him up, so when he did, it was game over. First thing I said 'I am your mother now'."

When little Bane looked at her with those eyes, she knew she would do everything she could to save him.

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

After getting some supplies from urgent care, she brought the kitten home and set up a makeshift bed for the tiny fur baby. Little Bane purred and slept throughout the night.

When the kitten was checked out at the vet, the prognosis wasn't good.

"They said they think he isn't going to make it, that he could pass away very easily," Brandi said. They warned her that she "just have to take it day by day and hope for the best."

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

The odds were stacked against Bane, but Brandi saw a sign of hope when she noticed his eyes were looking a little better after a couple of days. She refused to give up.

"He weighed only half a pound. I fed him every 2 hours. He slept on my chest for the first week the entirety of the time besides feedings."

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

A week later..

"The vets were shocked when I brought him back in (for a follow-up appointment). My little floof made it!" Brandi said.

"He now weighs 3/4 of a pound and can keep his temperature normal all by himself, beat his upper respiratory and eye infection, got deworming meds, wants to play non stop, is super fiesty, and still loves to cuddle with me all day."

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

"He's still underweight and I have to feed him every 2 hours for the next 2 weeks but it's all so worth it!"

Bane purring up a storm on his human mom's shoulder, happy and loved!

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

Brandi knew this little guy had a lot of fight in him.

"I didn't give up on him even when the vet said he didn't have a chance. Now he is going to have a long, healthy, spoiled life."

Courtesy: Brandi at Bunsandtots

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