Chihuahua Adopts 7 Suckling Kittens

Chihuahua Adopts 7 Suckling Kittens


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Shyla, a Chihuahua cross, loves to take care of kittens and treat them as if they are her own children. The two year old Chihuahua can be a little bossy to other dogs, but when it comes to new born kittens, she is all loving, caring and nurturing.

Shyla would take in a litter of abandoned kittens and start nursing them without hesitation. Her motherly instinct for these fuzzy little ones is so strong that she protects them against other animals and people, cleans their bottoms and lays with them all the time.

Having Shyla be the kittens' surrogate mother greatly decreases the kittens' mortality rate and increases their survivability.

Play the video below to see Shyla and her litter of kittens:

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