from Northwest Animal Companions (Boise, ID, US)
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Pet ID#: Ritchie (click here to contact the shelter)
About Yoda:

“Yoda is a gentle older cat, Himalayan by breed, looking for a quiet place to call his own. He was rescued from a house where he was constantly tormented by intolerant dogs who didn't understand his sweet & gentle temperament. He is declawed, so he'll never shred your shins. In his foster home, Yoda frequently approaches people with a friendly hello, then waits patiently to be petted or fed.
Always the gentleman, he purrs in appreciation of your attention. He gets along well with all people, cats, & nice dogs. Approximately 10 years old, Yoda enjoys snacking, napping in a pool of sunshine, & grooming. When he gazes out the window, he is the ideal of domestic contentment.
Like many older cats, Yoda will need a little special attention, but nothing major. To keep kidney problems at bay, moistened food and/or canned food and an inexpensive potassium supplement are recommended. He is missing a few teeth, and the soft food will also help him maintain his weight. A quality food without grain "fillers" is required to keep Yoda's skin healthy - he reacts to bad food by pulling out his fur & scratching.
Yoda is in good health, having been vaccinated, treated for ear mites and fleas with Revolution, neutered, blood & urine tested, & having had a recent dental cleaning.”
Breed: Domestic Himalayan Mix
Sex: Male
Hair: Long
Age: Senior
Yoda is:
Special needs
Up to date with shots
House trained
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