Cloudy the Cat Quite the Character

Cloudy the Cat Quite the Character


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Cloudy the cat is turning six this September. "Five years ago we were looking for a cat. The plan was to go to the local Save A Pet and find our new family member after we got back from our spring break trip. During our trip, we visited my mother-in-law. She had a surprise for us, a little grey kitten. She said the kitten was just hanging around her property so she brought it in for us to take back home. My daughter named her Cloudy and we took her home," said Nancy Ward.

"Cloudy is a very vocal kitty who is obsessed with a good game of squeek-squeek (fetching her furry mice) and a good belly rub whenever you walk by her favorite rug--she will cut you off to get in position. Cloudy is quite the character."

Cloudy became famous on the internet when one of her photos appeared on Google search when someone searched for "cute cat." "I had people from all around the world claim that she was their cat as they posted her picture on their Flickr page. I think Cloudy has a fan club."

Photos courtesy of ©Nancy Ward.

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