Gugu the Rescue Tuxedo Found Home

Gugu the Rescue Tuxedo Found Home


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Gugu was found wandering by herself on the streets when she was only a few weeks old. She was picked up by a kind person who was not able to keep her, so she found Sharon, an animal lover who would not say no to any abandoned kitties.

Gugu's life has changed ever since that day. For the very first time, there is a home that she can run freely without worrying about her own safety. In no time, she's come out of her shell, frolicking and jumping around, finding hiding places and exploring every corner of her new home.

Gugu loves it when Sharon takes her out to the garden to play. She gets really excited with the grass and little critters crawling on the ground. She'd flail her legs in the air while lying on her back, squirming and rolling around as if she has the whole world to herself.

"What if every cat had a home in this world. I wonder what it would look like," said Sharon.

Photos courtesy of ©Sharon.

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