Mocha the Orange Ninja Cat

Mocha the Orange Ninja Cat


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Mocha is a little ninja who has the hunting instinct of a tiger and the agility of a cheetah. He puts his hunting skills to use chasing any moving objects and attacking flying toys by leaping up from the ground like a high jumping athlete. This ginger fluffy boy is very determined when he locks his eyes on a target. He goes after it and won't let go until he has it hunted down like a champ.

When you see his eyes dilate, you know he is up to another antic. However, Mocha's affection and love make up for all the mischief he makes around the house. It's hard not to fall in love with such an expressive gem who'd play hide and seek with you when you are bored and sit next to you when you need company.

Photos courtesy of Kawauso-papa.

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