Snuggly Furry Buddies

Snuggly Furry Buddies


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These furry buddies were picked up by Anje from a shelter in San Jose. Kimberly Jennery, an experienced foster parent specialized in bottle-babies, gladly took them in so Anje could dedicate her time to older kitties.

These little fuzzballs need names :). "We're hoping to figure names that have a theme of some sort. The siamese and the masked tabby are boys, the tortie is (of course) a girl," said Kimberly.

Updates: Kimberly has named them Nanuk (Siamese), Aurora (Calico) and Kodiak (tabby). Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions. :)

Photos courtesy of ©Kimberly Jennery. More Kimberly’s fosters at her blog.

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