Tiny Orphan Kitty Found in a Bush Nuzzles with Teddy

Tiny Orphan Kitty Found in a Bush Nuzzles with Teddy


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Little Timmie has a story that warm hearts! The little seal-point kitty found his human when he was in a bush, and the rest is history.

"He was found outside a VCA Animal Hospital on October 10th by my daughter, who joined the staff of VCA Monte Vista Animal Hospital, last April. She went to empty the trash outside and an employee from the nearby dental clinic was also outside and said she heard a kitten crying. They found Timmie in a bush with no signs of a mother or other litter mates, so my daughter immediately brought him into the hospital. One of the vets estimated he was no more than 2-1/2 to 3 weeks old. He was dirty, hungry and dehydrated. My daughter volunteered to take him home and bottle feed him. The family set up a round-the-clock schedule to step in, taking care of all the needs his real mother would normally handle," said Kathi Hennesey.

"The stuffed bear behind him is his crate-mate, part of his 'nest' and suggested by one of the vets. The day we took the photo we set Timmie up with his bear in a bedroom. With the help/input of the hospital staff, Timmie is thriving and growing rapidly. He's our adorable little orphan!"

Photo by ©Kathi Hennesey via VCA Animal Hospital.

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