Foster Cat Mama Gives Orphan Kitten Big Poly Hug

Foster Cat Mama Gives Orphan Kitten Big Poly Hug


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Annie the foster cat mama opened her big poly paws to a little orphan kitten named Dax. It was love at first sight. Annie's own kittens didn't pull through so her maternal instinct kicked in as soon as Dax started sniffing around. She knew that he wanted a mother and she was more than happy to be the mom for him.

"They've been hanging out together ever since. Note Annie's freaky feet - she has seven toes on one front foot and six on the other," said Jenn.

"No worries. I am your mother now!"

Photo by ©Jenn (flickr: Jenn.70). Dax is Annie's foster kitten and Annie is Iris' (dog) foster cat.

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