Wallaby the Rescue Dwarf Cat

Wallaby the Rescue Dwarf Cat


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His name is Wallaby who was rescued in Brooklyn, New York, when he was 1 year old, a 5-lb dwarf kitten whose purrs melt hearts.

It was very difficult for the foster familiy to let him go when he left for his forever home as he totally stole their hearts.  “I wish I could keep him, but he will always be in my heart as a cutie pie toy cat whom I rescued from euthanasia and who paid me back with so much joy that my tears right now – don’t matter. Be well, little cutie pie cat. I will always love and remember you," said Eva, Wallaby's foster mom.

 Wallaby rescued and given a second chance

Wallaby today at his forever home!

Photos courtesy of ©Eva.

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