Tiny Tuxedo Kitten Rescued by Good Samaritan

Tiny Tuxedo Kitten Rescued by Good Samaritan


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A kind person from England found a tiny tuxedo kitten trapped in a small gap and freed him from it.

"I was walking past an old shack on the grounds of the hospital where I work and heard this mewing sound. Went in to investigate and he was on his own trapped in there. I couldn't leave him so I spent a while trying to reach him, he kept being all timid and hiding just out of arms reach. Eventually got him though and got him sorted out," he said via reddit.

They looked for the cat mom and waited to see if there were any more kittens. "We searched for a while but we didn't find anything. We waited to make sure the mother didn't come back as well. He was absolutely starved."

Soon after the rescue. They found the little kitten a forever home. "A lady security guard we have took him to the vets and adopted him," he added.

Little tuxedo kitten rescued by a good samaritan

Source via reddit.

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