It took Eldad Hagar, an avid animal rescuer, nearly 4 days, a lot of patience and hard work to get a kitty family from a roof top to safety.
"Flower lived on the streets for a while, and a few weeks ago she had kittens on a roof with highly dense vegetation. Luckily for this family, Caroline Dillon called me, and asked for help," Hagar wrote.
"Getting the mom was easy... we set up a trap, and in 20 minutes we had her. The problem was with the kittens!"
After getting the cat mama, the kittens went into hiding. "They were on a roof - about 30 feet above the ground. These kittens obviously never had human contact, and I was afraid they would jump off the roof in order to avoid me.
On day 2, we brought their mom back, set up the traps next to her cage, but during the whole day -NOTHING! I ended up taking the mom back to the hospital without the kittens.
On day 3 (afternoon) we had a breakthrough... Caroline spotted on of the kittens eating the food I left on the roof. I rushed over, opened all the traps, covered them, and waited the whole night.
Day 4: the morning begins with an exciting text - all 3 traps are closed!!
I rushed over again, got on that ladder, and prayed I won't have 3 opossums inside the traps. I was so happy to see these 3 kittens!"
He lowered the traps, one by one to Caroline, and then rushed them to the vet. "Seconds after we got them out of the cages, they were totally cool with human contact - just amazing. Super special thanks to Caroline for letting me come over early in the mornings and late at night to keep going on that roof."
After getting the kitty family to safety, Hagar went on to another rescue for another furry family.
Flower the cat mama rescued!
It took a few days to get them down from the roof, but they are safe now thanks to Hagar. Left to right: Reed, Iris and Violet.
Photo by Eldad Hagar (Hope for Paws).