Amazing Resilience Of Kitten With Injured Leg

Amazing Resilience Of Kitten With Injured Leg


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This adorable kitten came to The Cat House On The Kings from Animal Control with an injury to his leg.

"...he looked pretty sad and pathetic with a bright blue bandage on his paw. It had been caught in a cage at animal control and our vet was concerned about nerve damage," the Cat House wrote on their Facebook.

They were worried that the kitty, they named Charlie, might need to have his leg amputated. After some one-on-one time with Lynea, the founder of the Cat House, and her staff, LOTS of tender loving care, rest, and vet visits, Charlie's leg was saved, and he outgrew his injury.

"He romps around our adoption room, getting into all his toys, and runs out the room when we open the door." Charlie is now bandage-free." He's playing and purring and pouncing like a regular kitten should be doing!"

Charlie is amazingly resilient. Today, he's all healed up, fixed up, and ready to be scooped up and adopted!

Charlie the kitten had a bandaged leg when he came to the Cat House On the Kings. They were worried that he might lose his leg.

With LOTS of tender loving care and rest, and vet visits, Charlie's leg was saved, and he outgrew his injury.

Now bandage free and adopted!

Photos by The Cat House On the Kings (follow them on Facebook).

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