Thula The Kitten Becomes Guardian Angel To An Autistic Child

Thula The Kitten Becomes Guardian Angel To An Autistic Child


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Cats seem to know just exactly what we need. A kitten named Thula has been watching her best companion Iris, a 4 year old autistic child, every step of the way. "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship," Iris' parents wrote.

"She has been at Iris's side since she arrived and slept in her arms during her first night here. A true Maine Coon, affectionate, loving and intelligent. It seemed like they were old friends as I watched them on the sofa, the kitten attentively looking at the iPad screen with Iris. She purrs non stop and has long white whiskers and black tips on her ears. We have named her Thula after one of Iris's favourite African lullabies called 'Thula, Thula' meaning Peace and Tranquillity in Zulu."

Iris' family is trying to raise awareness of the benefits that a cat can have in an Autistic child's life. "(Thula) has become her best friend helping her in ways I could only imagine. She helps me settle her at night, wake her in the morning, with bath time, hair name it Thula will find a way to help Iris through whatever problem she is going through, it's incredible."

Thula the kitten has become a guardian angel to Iris, an autistic child, since the day she arrived.

She even slept in her arms during the first night there. "She woke up with a giant smile, kitten in her arms."

They are like old friends. Iris shares her favorite ribbon with Thula, this is a true friendship.

"Thula has become her best friend helping her in ways I could only imagine. She helps me settle her at night, wake her in the morning, with bath time, hair name it Thula will find a way to help Iris through whatever problem she is going through, it's incredible."

Photos by Iris Grace Painting. Follow them on Facebook.

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