Supermarket Cat Brutus

Supermarket Cat Brutus


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At Morrisons a supermarket in Saltney (the UK), a cat named Brutus has been running the aisles and greeting customers for the past three years months. "He's just our little resident cat," said manager Les Williams.

Brutus loves hanging out at the supermarket. "If the sun's coming through the window, he just lies down. If the sun's coming down, he sits on top of the recycling bin."

He sometimes walks the aisles to make sure everything is in order. Customers love him and let him help them pick out groceries by traveling in their carts. When Brutus needs a break, he simply rests on a baby seat for a quick cat nap.

Brutus the cat has been running the aisles and greeting customers at a local supermarket for the past 3 years months. He is their little resident cat.

"If the sun's coming through the window, he just lies down."

"If the sun's coming down, he sits on top of the recycling bin."

Brutus makes sure everything is in order at the pets department.

Customers love him and let him help them pick out groceries, though sometimes he gets interrupted by a nap.

Just stopping there for a quick snooze.

Another customer received great help from Brutus with a cart loaded with groceries.

Follow Brutus on Facebook. Also via Chester Chronicle.

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