This is a rescue story of a miracle kitten that was found in a field, fighting for his life. It’s amazing how far he’s come.
"He came to us one sweltering summer night very recently covered in feces and maggots, dehydrated and fighting for his life," said Long Way Home. His condition was so bad that they weren’t sure if he would make it when they rushed him to the ER.
After a night of hard work at the ER, the kitty didn’t just survive, but was thriving. "He was fighting hard. He was cold and very thin, but he is lively, talkative, and ready to heal. He is much younger than we thought, but isn’t he gorgeous. His feet (now clean) are actually white," Long Way Home wrote via Facebook.
"Now his name is 'Riley' and that's the life he is living now that the Martell Family has adopted him! What a happy ending. Look at him standing on those newly strong legs. Look what love can do!" (facebook)
Meet Riley, a miracle kitty who was found in the field, fighting for his life. It's amazing how far he's come.
This is Riley on the day he was rescued. His condition was so bad that they weren’t sure if he would make it when they rushed him to the ER.
They removed all the maggots, gave him fluid, and got him treated. After a night of hard work, Riley fought the hard fight and began to thrive.
Now he has found his forever loving home.
What a happy ending!
Look at him standing on those newly strong legs. Look what love can do!
Photos by Long Way Home. Follow Riley on Facebook.