Meet Colin the Little Rescue Runt! He is Small in Size But Big in Heart!

Meet Colin the Little Rescue Runt! He is Small in Size But Big in Heart!


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Meet Colin the runt of his litter orphaned when they were three days old. He is much smaller than his age, but what he lacks in size, he makes up with his personality!

"He is the sweetest little guy," said Amy Bender, fosterer of Central Oklahoma Humane Society and pet mom of Sauerkraut the cat.

"Colin and his three siblings came to us as foster kittens through Central Oklahoma Humane Society. Their mother rejected them at three days old, so we have been bottle raising them.

[Scroll down for videos]

Colin is the 'runt' of the group, and my personal favorite (shhhh, don't tell the other kittens). He's about five weeks old, but developmentally he's closer to three and a half weeks. I'm hoping he'll 'catch up' once he's weaned, but even if he doesn't, he's still special."

Little Colin and his siblings will be available for adoption, once they are big enough.

"Colin loves snuggling and play fighting with his sister Enya, though most of the time he bites off way more than he can chew!"

Baby Colin after a very needed bath.

He's almost the size of his stuffy. Aww!

Colin loves his sister Enya who is much bigger in size.

They are so stinkin cute!

Babies Enya and Colin will take your heart for a ride in their little Red Wagon.

WATCH VIDEO: This happens every 2-3 hours, around the clock!

WATCH VIDEO: Baby Colin is loving the head massages!

WATCH VIDEO: Baby Colin play fighting with his sister Enya. He bites off way more than he can chew!

Follow Colin and his siblings at Facebook!

Photos by Amy Bender of Sauerkraut Kitty.

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