Orphaned Kitten Rescued by Monks from Inside the Temple Walls

Orphaned Kitten Rescued by Monks from Inside the Temple Walls


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When the monks at a local temple in Chiayi, Taiwan, heard meowing coming from the walls, they were surprised and began to investigate.

They heard faint mewling from inside the walls of the temple but couldn't locate the cat. Worried that the kitten was starving, they contacted firefighters for help.

The kitten was thought to be abandoned by its mother after becoming lost inside the wall.

Firefighters used a flash light and a mirror to pinpoint the location of the kitten and carefully retrieved the little tabby out of the 1.5 meter deep hole inside the wall.

[Scroll down for video]

The kitten was still very young, not yet weaned, so they contacted the SPCA for professional assistance. Once the kitten is old enough, the SPCA will return the kitten to the monks where the kitty's new family will be.

Everything is ok now!

Watch the full story in this video:

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